Liberty Middle School FFA
Officer Team
President – Will Wojcieszak
Vice President – Melissa Becker
Secretary – Lori Koenig
Treasurer – Alli Williamson
Reporter – Lucy Schapman
Sentinel - Owen Hicks
Join the Liberty MS FFA REMIND Group by texting adc862 to 81010
SAE RESOURCES Essential Elements of an SAE
Join the quizlet class for CDE prep:
2019-2020 Calendar * Dates and times are subject to change. Last updated March 3rd, 2020
August - September
Chapter Meeting – Wednesday August 28th (3-4:30 pm)
Horse Judging CDE after school practices (3-4:30) Tues 9/3 and Thurs 9/5
Forestry CDE after school practices (3-4:30) Tues 9/10, Mon 9/16
Career Development Event (CDE) – Horse Judging- Thursday September 12th, 2019 (Triangle H Farms; registration begins at 4:30. Contest begins at 5 pm. Students require their own transportation.
Career Development Event (CDE) – Forestry- Thursday September 19th, 2019 (daytime event) Contest begins at 10 am and will take place at Beaver Dam State Park. Bus leaves at 8:15 am. Will be back before the end of the school day.
Quarter 1 Educational Tour (3-4:30 pm) Wednesday October 2nd (Liberty Apple Orchard). Permission slip and $5 due by Friday September 27th.
Chapter Meeting– Tuesday October 8th (After school 3-4:30 pm) Officer elections and installation; Fundraiser Kick-off (Fanny Mae Candies & Gourmet Snacks)
Activity period meeting Tuesday 10/22 - Fundraiser Orders and money due. MP2 Educational Tour info and sign up with also happen today.
Officer Meeting - Nov 6th (3:00 -4:30 pm in D106)
Chapter Meeting- Wednesday November 13th (Hour 6 Activity Hour/ D106)
Fundraiser items will be sent home with students on November 21st
Quarter 2 Educational Tour (3-4:30 pm) Wednesday November 21st - We will be visiting the Metro East Humane Society. Volunteer Release form signed by parent must be turned in by Monday 11/18 in order to attend.
Officer Meeting During activity pm Thursday Dec 5th. Officers: See me for a pass.
Turn in donations for Winter Party by December 9th (D106)
Chapter Meeting (Winter Party!) - Thursday Dec 12th 3-4:30 pm.
Officer Meeting - Friday January 10th (Hour 6 Activity)
Chapter Meeting (Hour 6 Activity hour/ D106) - Wednesday January 22nd Special Guests: EHS Officers Visit to talk to FFA members about EHS Ag Course offerings & FFA Opportunities; Vet Tech CDE team sign up will also occur. Permission slip due MONDAY 1/27
Vet Tech Practice- Thursday 1/23 (Activity) or Friday 1/24 (Activity) * CDE Team members must attend one.
Vet Tech Practice- Monday 1/27 (2:50-4:30 in D106) * Mandatory for all Vet Tech CDE Team members.
Vet Tech Practice- Tuesday 1/28 (Activity)
Vet Tech CDE - When? Tuesday 1/28 Where? EHS Time: registration starts at 4:30, contest begins at 5 pm.
Officer Meeting - Tuesday February 11th (Hour 6 - Activity)
Chapter Meeting (3-4:30) - Wednesday February 19th
FFA Week (Feb 24-28) Food & Supply Drive begins (ends March 6th) * Sign up with Mrs. O'Connor to help out with this community service event
FFA Alumni basket donations due by Mon March 9th (Theme: Movie Night with your Furry Friend) Sign up with Mrs. O'Connor to participate.
Quarter 3 Educational Tour (3-4:30 pm) to EHS Greenhouse Thurs March 5th* Sign up with Mrs. O'Connor to attend
Chapter Meeting (Hour 6 Activity Hour) - Tuesday March 10th
Agenda includes: Livestock Judging CDE sign up, permission slip and practice dates will be shared; FFA Alumni basket construction
Officer Meeting - Friday April 3rd (Activity)
Mandatory Livestock Judging Practices: Wed April 1st and Wed April 15th (3:00 -4:30 in D106)
Livestock Judging CDE Thursday April 16th (bus leaves at 8 am; 9 am start)
Chapter Meeting (Hour 6 Activity hour/ D106) – Wednesday April 22nd
Quarter 4 Educational Tour (3-4:30 pm) * Date and location TBD – Possible date: 22nd, 29th
Chapter Meeting - End of year Celebration & Awards Ceremony (3-4:30 in D106) * Date TBD –Possible date: Wednesday May 6th