7th Grade Agriculture (MP4)
Work from March 16 - April 3 will be entered into Tigerview with a weight of 0. The work will not be "counted against" any student who failed to complete it. Scores on Tigerview for that interval are for informative purposes to help parents more easily measure their child's current level of independence regarding work completion and school engagement.
Week 1
Monday March 16th
1. Attendance & Seating Chart
2. Go over course guide and e-learning resources (mycaert.com & class website)
3. Practice logging on to http://mycaert.com and uploading assignments.
Complete the 'Course Guide Scavenger Hunt' & upload it to mycaert.com
Share course guide and e-learning tools info sheet with parents
Set up Ag Binder (3-ring binder)
You should have 4 dividers labeled Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 and Unit 4.
All papers you will complete this week should be in the rings of your binder in the Unit 1 section with the exception of the Course Guide, which should be in the very front of the binder.
Tuesday March 17th
1. No School
Wednesday March 18th
1. Watch video clip Food for Thought- What do America's Farmers Grow? Clip
2. Lecture #1 Defining Agriculture & its Importance
View PPT and use it to complete Defining Ag Student Note-sheet
Put completed student note-sheet into the rings of your Ag binder ( Unit 1 section)
Thursday March 19th
1. Notes #2- Plant & Animal Products
View PPT and use it to complete Plant & Animal Products Student Note-sheet
Put completed student note-sheet into the rings of your Ag binder ( Unit 1 section)
Friday March 20th
1. Read World Trade e-unit and complete the accompanying e-unit worksheet.
E-unit can be found at mycaert.com; click on 'view assigned e-units' and scroll down to near the bottom of the list.)
UPLOAD assignment when complete.
2. Notes #3- How & Why we trade Agricultural Goods (back side of World Trade e-unit worksheet)
View PPT and use it to complete 'How & Why We Trade Agricultural Goods' Student Note-sheet
Put completed student note-sheet into the rings of your Ag binder ( Unit 1 section)
Week 2
Monday March 23rd
1. Read 'Defining Agriculture e-unit' (mycaert; 'view assigned e-units section) & complete the associated worksheet.
UPLOAD assignment when complete.
Print out a copy to put into the Unit 1 section of your Ag Binder as well. You can refer to this sheet when taking your first quiz later next week.
Tuesday March 24th
1. Notes - History of Production Ag
View PPT and use it to complete History of Production Agriculture Student Note-sheet
Put completed student note-sheet into the rings of your Ag binder ( Unit 1 section)
Wednesday March 25th
1. View Modern Marvels- Farming Technology
Watch first 18 minutes & 51 sec and answer questions #1- 6 on the video assignment.
Put video assignment into the rings of your Ag binder ( Unit 1 section) until tomorrow.
Thursday March 26th
1. Modern Marvels- Farming Technology
Watch the remainder of the episode (18:51- 42:56) and answer the remaining questions.
Put the completed video assignment into the rings of your Ag binder ( Unit 1 section)
Friday March 27th
1. Classwork- Read History of Ag Production e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
UPLOAD assignment when complete.
Print out a copy to put into your Ag Binder (Unit 1) as well.
Week 3
Monday March 30th
1. Prepare for Quiz #1
Make sure your binder is organized. You should have all note-sheets and e-unit worksheets completed.
Read over your notes and highlight terms/ definitions; be familiar with all of the 'key terms' listed in the e-units.
Review your e-unit worksheets.
2. Catch up on Ag work if you are not up to date.
Tuesday March 31st
1. Quiz #1 (Defining Ag, World Trade, History of Production Agriculture)
Wednesday April 1st
1) Register as an Illinois Agriculture student at http://ilaged.org/StudentRoster
Refer to the instruction sheet to the right when registering please.
2) Double check your ‘student files’ in mycaert to make sure that you’ve uploaded the four assignments that I’ve requested so far (Listed below).
Course Guide Scavenger Hunt
e-unit worksheet- Defining Agriculture
e-unit worksheet- World Trade: Imports & Exports
e-unit worksheet – History of Production Agriculture
How to check your ‘Student files’: Log in to mycaert and click on MY FILES. Click on the folder labeled with your class name and hour. Just below the 'Current assignments' folder, there is a folder titled 'Student files'. If you click on that, you can see which documents you have uploaded.
Just a reminder: If you are unhappy with your quiz score from yesterday, you may take it a second time. The deadline to take the quiz a second time is April 14th.
Thursday April 2nd
1. Video Clip - Some Food for Thought about Careers
2. Notes - Careers in Agriculture
3. Career Finder Interactive activity
SPRING BREAK April 4th - 13th
Week 4
Tuesday April 14th
1. Careers in Agriculture Research Assignment (Day 1)
Wednesday April 15th
1. Careers in Agriculture Research Assignment (Day 2)
UPLOAD (turn in)assignment to mycaert when complete.
Thursday April 16th
1. Video Clip - We are the Future of Agriculture - FFA (3 min)
2. FFA Guided Notes
TIPS to help you prepare for Quiz #2 Careers in Ag & FFA
Week 5
Monday April 20th
1. Quiz #2 Careers in Agriculture & FFA
You will take the quiz at mycaert.com
You may use any and all of your resources while taking this quiz.
Tuesday April 21st
1. Read 'Parts of a Plant' e-unit.
You will access this e-unit by clicking on the 'view assigned e-units' icon once you are logged on to mycaert.
2. Complete the e-unit worksheet - Parts of a Plant.
This worksheet will activate in the 'my files' section of mycaert today (in word doc form)
It is also posted here as a PDF for those of you that need it in that form.
3. UPLOAD your completed e-unit worksheet (or a picture of it) to mycaert by Wednesday 4/22.
Wednesday April 22nd
1. Video - Investigating Plant Structure & Function Video
Put your completed video assignment in your binder after you finish the video. There will be a couple of questions from this assignment on your next quiz.
Instructions for accessing video
Go to the following website: https://www.discoveryeducation.com/
Click on LOGIN and enter the following information
Username: teststudent.grade7
Password: discovery
Once logged in, click on 'Understanding Plant Structure and Function' under the UPCOMING ASSIGNMENTS.
** Because you are all using the same login, there is a chance that the video link will not be where I indicated above if one student clicks on 'assignment completed'. That's OK though! The video is still there. You just have to follow these steps instead:
Once logged in to the site, look for the words 'HOME' and "ASSIGNMENTS' near the top left corner of the page.
Click on 'ASSIGNMENTS', then click on 'COMPLETED'. The link to the video will then appear.
Thursday April 23rd
1. Where Does the Food Fit? assignment
2. Parts of a Plant notes
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
3. Check and Correct your 'Where Does the Food Fit?" assignment.
Week 6
Monday April 27th
1. Read the ‘Grain Crops e-unit and complete the accompanying e-unit worksheet.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet that you are to complete after reading the e-unit will activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert (word doc form). It is also posted HERE.
2. UPLOAD completed e-unit worksheet to mycaert by Thursday April 30th.
In you are able to, print a copy for yourself and put it in your Ag binder. This sheet will be useful when you take your next quiz.
Tuesday April 28th
1. America's Heartland (2 minutes)- Harvesting Knowledge - Corn
2. Notes – Grain Crops Part I (Corn)
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
3. Check and Correct your Investigating Plant Structure & Function video assignment
from last week.
The KEY is posted to the last slide of the Grain Crops -Corn PPT/PDF.
Some of these questions will be on your next quiz.
Wednesday April 29th
1. Watch Wheat Video Clips
2. Notes – Grain Crops Part II (Wheat, Oats & Barley)
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
Thursday April 30th
View the first 20 minutes of the video ‘How Stuff Works – Corn’ and answer questions 1-4 on the accompanying video worksheet.
Read through the questions before you start the video so that you know what to be listening for.
Put the completed video assignment in your Ag Binder when done with today’s portion. You will finish it on Monday May 4th.
Instructions on how to access the video
Go to the following website: https://www.discoveryeducation.com/
Click on LOGIN (upper right-hand corner)
Username: teststudent.grade7
Password: discovery
Once logged in, you find the video link in one of two places:
Place #1 – near the top of the screen, you will see a section titled UPCOMING ASSIGNMENTS. The link for the video will be right underneath it. Click on the title ‘How Stuff Works- Corn’ to view the video.
Place #2 - If the video is not where I indicated above, look at the upper left-hand corner of the screen once you are logged in (above the ‘upcoming assignments’ section) and click on ASSIGNMENTS. Next, click on the middle option ‘Completed’. The video link will then pop up.
Week 7
Monday May 4th
1. How Stuff Works – Corn (finish it)
Instructions for accessing video are posted under Thursday April 30th
Place your video assignment in your binder once completed. There will be a question or two from this video on your quiz tomorrow.
2. Quiz #3/ Binder Prep
Resources you may use while taking the quiz
e-unit worksheet- Parts of a Plant
Notes #1 Parts of a Plant
Where does the Food Fit? assignment
Video assignment: Understanding Plant Structure & Function
e-unit worksheet- Grain Crops
Notes #2 Grain Crops (Corn, Wheat, Oats & Barley)
Video assignment- How Stuff Works- Corn
** I would recommend reading through your note-sheets and highlighting all definitions so they pop off the page and will be easy to locate should you need them while taking the quiz tomorrow.
Tuesday May 5th
1. Quiz over Parts of a Plant and Grain Crops
You will take taking your quiz online (mycaert). Be sure to use chrome as your browser when taking quizzes on mycaert.
REMINDER: You are allowed to use any and all of your Ag resources while taking the quiz.
If you are unhappy with your quiz score, you may take it a second time. I will enter the average of the two scores in tigerview.
Wednesday May 6th
1. Read the ‘Sugar and Oil Crops’ e-unit and complete the accompanying e-unit worksheet.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet that you are to complete after reading the e-unit will activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert (word doc form). It is also posted here for those of you that need it in PDF form.
2. UPLOAD completed e-unit worksheet to mycaert by Thursday May 7th.
3. If you are able to, print a copy for yourself and put it in your Ag binder. This sheet will be useful
when you take your next quiz.
Thursday May 7th
1. Watch the Sugar Video Clips
The links to the video clips are posted under today’s date on the class web page.
They are also here for your convenience: How Sugar is Made Clip (2:37) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EP_fgp7zYKk & Sugar Facts - Agriculture 101 - America's Heartland
2. Notes – Sugar Crops
The PPT/PDF and accompanying student note-sheet are posted to the class web page under today’s date.
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
Week 8
Monday May 11th
Start your Oil Crop Video assignment by viewing the Soybean Video clips below and recording 5 facts while viewing.
Soybean Video Clips: Ag 101- What are Soybeans used for? & Harvesting Soybeans 5:23
A copy (word doc form) of the video assignment will activate in mycaert today if you would prefer the assignment in that form.
2. Notes - Soybeans
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
Tuesday May 12th
Continue with your Oil Crops Video assignment by viewing the Peanut video clips below & recording 5 facts while viewing.
Peanut Video Clips: Harvesting Knowledge: Peanuts & How it’s Made-Peanut butter
2. Notes - Peanuts
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
3. UPLOAD your Oil Crops Video assignment to mycaert by Friday May 15th.
Wednesday May 13th
1. Read the ‘Fiber Crops' e-unit and complete the accompanying e-unit worksheet.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet will also activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert (word doc form)
2. UPLOAD completed e-unit worksheet to mycaert by Friday May 15th.
In you are able to, print a copy for yourself and put it in your Ag binder. This sheet will be useful when you take your next quiz.
Thursday May 14th
1. View the following Cotton video clip: Harvesting Knowledge - Cotton
2. Fiber Crop Notes
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
3. Quiz/ Binder Prep for Quiz #4 (Sugar, Oil & Fiber Crops)
Quiz #4 is Monday May 18th. This will be your last quiz!
Resources you may use while taking the quiz
Sugar & Oil Crops e-unit worksheet
Notes- Sugar Crops
Notes – Soybeans
Notes – Peanuts
Oil Crops Video assignment
Fiber Crops e-unit worksheet
Notes – Fiber Crops
** I would recommend reading through your note-sheets and highlighting all definitions so they pop off the page and will be easy to locate should you need them while taking the quiz tomorrow.
Week 9
Monday May 18th
1. Quiz #4 Sugar, Oil & Fiber Crops
You will take taking your quiz online (mycaert). Be sure to use chrome as your browser when taking quizzes on mycaert.
REMINDER: You are allowed to use any and all of your Ag resources while taking the quiz.
If you are unhappy with your quiz score, you may take it a second time. I will enter the average of the two scores in tigerview. Your deadline to do so is Thursday May 21st.
Tuesday May 19th
1. Read the ‘Forests & Wood Products' e-unit and complete the accompanying e-unit worksheet.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet that you are to complete after reading the e-unit will activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert (word doc form). It is also posted HERE.
2. UPLOAD your completed e-unit worksheet to mycaert by Thursday May 21st.
Wednesday May 20th
1. Watch the video - World of Plants- Plants & People ( 12 min)
Instructions for accessing video
Go to the following website: https://www.discoveryeducation.com/
Click on LOGIN and enter the following information
Username: teststudent.grade7
Password: discovery
Once logged in, click on 'World of Plants- Plants & People' under the UPCOMING ASSIGNMENTS.
** Because you are all using the same login, there is a chance that the video link will not be where I indicated above if one student clicks on 'assignment completed'. That's OK though! The video is still there. You just have to follow these steps instead:
Once logged in to the site, look for the words 'HOME' and "ASSIGNMENTS' near the top left corner of the page.
Click on 'ASSIGNMENTS', then click on 'COMPLETED'. The link to the video will then appear.
Thursday May 21st
View this video clip that explains how a very important tree product, that is in short supply lately, is made: How Its Made- Toilet Paper
Catch up day!
FRIDAY MAY 22nd - This is the last day that student work will be accepted
It was nice working with each of you this quarter!
I hope you all have a great summer break!