8th Grade Agriculture Science
Week 1
Monday January 6th
1. Attendance & Seating Chart
2. Introduce Course and go over classroom and behavioral expectations.
Show parent your course guide and ask them to sign both sides of the last page. Due by Friday.
Tuesday January 7th
1. Register as AgEd student on ilaged.org
2. FFA What's in it for Me? assignment (Check in for a grade once completed)
Wednesday January 8th 1. Video Clip: Mankind: The Story of Us (Birth of Farming) 3 min
1. Basic Provisions Lab
Finish questions on the last page of the Lab if you didn't get them done in class. Due Friday.
Thursday January 9th
1. The Future of Farming & Agriculture (12 min)
2. Advantages & Disadvantages of Biotech assignment. (Start it)
Friday January 10th
1. Go over answers to FFA: What's in it for me? assignment.
2. Classwork- Read 'Agricultural Applications of Biotechnology' and finish e-unit worksheet. TURN IT IN.
3. Advantages & Disadvantages of Biotech assignment. (Finish it) CHECK IT IN WITH ME WHEN COMPLETE.
Week 2
Monday January 13th
1. Notes- Biotechnology in Agriculture and Biotech Clip - What is a GMO? Clip
2. Genetically Modified Organisms in Ag assignment (Start it; Part I)
Tuesday January 14th
1. Video (WSJ) Gene-Edited Calf Could Transform Brazilian Beef Industry
2. Genetically Modified Organisms in Ag assignment (Day 2; Parts II and III)
Use these links for Part III: LINK to info on Hornless Holstein LINK to info on PRRS Resistant Pigs
Wednesday January 15th
1. Discuss how to prepare for Thursday's Quiz/ Organize binders.
2. Animal Cloning Clip- The Story of Dolly the Cloned Sheep (13 min)
3. Animal Cloning Simulation Link to Click & Clone activity (Lab Grade)
Want to clone your pet? Click HERE to see how it works and how much it costs.
Want to learn more about Cloning? Tech Inside- The Science behind Dog Cloning
Prepare for Quiz #1 - It is Thursday January 16th. Get your Ag Binder ready for the Binder Check as well.
FFA answers to know: 1-3,5,8,11-12,14-15,17-18,20
Know all vocab and examples given in your biotech notes.
Anything on the e-unit worksheet is fair game.
Can you identify examples of advantages & disadvantages of Biotech? Know the examples from your assignment.
Know the basics about how mammals are cloned (enucleated egg + DNA from donor cell = clone)
Understand examples given of GMO's used in ag (golden rice, bST milk, bT corn)
Quiz #1 is next time! Make sure you're binder is organized. Review your notes and e-unit worksheet.
Thursday January 16th
1. Quiz #1 The Agricultural Applications of Biotech & FFA Basics (20 questions)
2. Read Classifying Animals e-unit and complete worksheet. TURN IN.
Want to learn more? Video clips illustrating examples of ways we use animals
Friday January 17th SNOW DAY
Week 3
Tuesday January 21st *Unit 1 Binder Check will occur during video *
1. Notes #1 Classifying Animals by Use and Breed.
2. Modern Marvels- The Pig (Start it- 20 min; #1-6 on worksheet completed)
Wednesday January 22nd
1. Notes- Classifying Animals by Age & Gender.
2. Modern Marvels- The Pig (Finish it)
Thursday January 23rd
1. Go over answers to video assignment.
2. Notes- Comparing Digestive Systems
3. Classwork- Read Exploring Livestock and complete associated worksheet. Turn it in.
Friday January 24th
1. Introduce Livestock Project.
Week 4
Monday January 27th
1. Classwork- Notes- Exploring Livestock (Beef Cattle)
2. Tech Insider clip- Cattle By-products
3. Work on Livestock Project
Tuesday January 28th
1. Exploring Livestock Notes- Swine
2. Video Clips - Sow Farming (3 min) Technology in Pig Barns clip (2.5 min)
3. Work on Livestock project
Prepare Binder for Quiz #2 Classifying Animals & Exploring Livestock (Open Notes).
Wednesday January 29th
1. Notes- Exploring Livestock - Sheep Video Clip- How to shear a sheep
2. Work on Livestock project
Get Ready for Quiz #2 (Open notes). It is next time! Here are the guidelines to help you organize your binder.
Additional Resources
How its Made- Wool
Get ready for Quiz #2. It is next time!
Thursday January 30th
1. Wrap up Food Animal PSA Project and turn in (upload template to mycaert; bring PPT to my compouter via a flashdrive) )
Friday January 31st 2.
1. Quiz #2 Classifying Animals & Exploring Livestock (open note)
2. Read Poultry e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
3. Turn in Project if you haven't already. (Rubrics, partner evaluations, completed template and group PPT)
Week 5
Monday February 3rd
1. Notes- Poultry & Poultry Products
2. Video clips
3. Start Food Animal PSA Presentations (Poultry Breeds)
Additional Poultry Clips
What's inside a Chicken McNugget? Clip
How its Made - Turkey Deli Meats
Tuesday February 4th
1. Poultry Notes Part II
2. Video Clip: Egg Formation (9 min)
3. Start MM Turkey
Wednesday February 5th Hour 5 only (early dismissal for Hour 7 due to storm)
1. Finish MM Turkey
2. Food Animal PSA Presentations
Thursday February 6th
1. Finish MM Turkey (Hr 5 only)
2. Food Animal PSA Projects
Friday February 7th
1. Food Animal Production assignment (Parts II and III)
2. Chick time :)
Week 6
Monday February 10th
1. Read Dairy e-unit & complete associated worksheet.
2. Notes- Dairy Products
3. Modern Marvels - Milk (start it)
Tuesday February 11th
1. Notes - Dairy (Milk Production & Sanitation)
2. Finish MM Milk
3. Pre-Lab Ice Cream in a Bag
Wednesday February 12th
1. Ice Cream in a Bag Lab
Thursday February 13th
1. Finish Food Animal PSA Presentations (Hr 5 Sheep & Turkey; Hour 7 Broilers)
2. Organize Binders for Quiz #3
3. Why Doesn't Everybody Drink Milk? assignment
4. Hour 5 - Work on Unit 2 Study Guide Hour 7 - Wrap up Food Animal Production assignment (Parts II and III)
Open note quiz over Dairy & Poultry next time! Is your binder organized?
Use these PPTs to help with your Extra Credit Crossword Puzzles
Friday February 14th
1. Quiz over Poultry & Dairy
2. Read the Companion Animals e-unit
Complete the associated worksheet and TURN IN.
3. Work on Unit 2 Study Guide with any time remaining.
Week 7
Tuesday February 18th
1. Notes- Companion Animals (Dogs)
2. Dogs Decoded (Start it)
Wednesday February 19th
1. Finish Dogs Decoded
2. Work on Unit 2 Study Guide.
Thursday February 20th
1. Notes- Companion Animals (Cats & Rabbits)
2. Start Companion Animal Research assignment
Helpful Websites for the project
Dogs: http://akc.org Top 20 Dog Breeds- Costs
Cats: http://cfa.org https://www.purina.com/cats/cat-breeds
Rabbits: Click to the HERE to see recognized the rabbit breeds
Website to help with health concerns: http://www.petmedsonline.org/
Good website to help answer your questions- http://www.peteducation.com/index.cfm
Friday February 21st
1. Finish Companion Animal Project
2. Review for test by going over going over the answers to Unit 2 Study Guide.
Week 8
Monday February 24th
1. Modern Marvels - Horse
Tuesday February 25th
1. Animal Science Unit Exam
2. Classwork- 'Read How Plants Grow' & 'Plant Propagation' e-units. Complete associated e-unit worksheets.
3. Notes- The Horticulture Industry
Wednesday February 26th
1. Intro to Horticulture Review
2. Notes- How Plants Grow (Photosynthesis 101)
3. How Does it Grow? Clips (Apples & Peaches)
4. Go over answers to How Plants Grow e-unit worksheet.
Absent? Watch the four that you missed here: http://www.howgrow.org/foods
Thursday February 27th
1. Notes- Tropisms & Environmental needs of Plants
2. Tropisms Concept Map Activity
3. Work on Gardening Word Search with time remaining.
Friday February 28th
1. How Does it Grow? Cauliflower & Cranberries
2. Video - Plant Growth, Development & Response (20 min)
Week 9
Monday March 2nd
1. Notes #4 Plant Propagation
2. How Does it Grow - Spinach
3. Classwork- Read Hydroponics e-unit and complete associated worksheet. TURN IN when done.
Want to learn more about the Doomsday Seed Vault? Here is an article and a video
Doomsday Seed Vault- CBS Sunday Morning (8 min)
Tuesday March 3rd
1. How does it Grow? Potato & Mushrooms. TURN IT IN.
2. City Farmer Simulation (Learning about Sustainable production processes)
Wednesday March 4th
1. Classwork - Read Ornamental Crops e-unit and complete associated worksheet. CHECK IT IN WITH ME.
2. Introduce Landscape Design assignment. Start it.
Landscape Design Project - Make sure budget form on front page of Landscape Design Project is done, and all of your plants, your lawn, sky and house are colored in.
Thursday March 5th
1. Go over answers to Ornamental Crops & Plant Propagation e-unit worksheets.
2. Organize Binders in preparation of Quiz #4
3. Finish Landscape Design assignment TURN IN.
Finish early? Work on Gardening Word Search (Extra Credit) assignment with time remaining.
Friday March 6th
1. Ted Talk - Why are Bee's Disappearing? (15 minutes)
2. Unit 3 Horticulture Quiz (open notes)
3. Bee Anatomy & Biology PPT/ Crossword assignment.
Week 10
Monday March 9th
1. World Hunger intro Nat Geo - 7 Billion Clip Click HERE for current global population
2. Who is Hungry Activity. Hunger Map (2017) Infographic
Our World Data (Hunger and Undernourishment)
Food and Agriculture Association of the United Nations
Tuesday March 10th
1. Review concepts introduced yesterday: Food Security, undernourishment.
2. Simulation – Farming for the Future
Learning Objectives:
—Experience the challenges, decisions, choices and impacts that subsistence farmers in the developing world face.
—Understand the root cause of hunger
—Consider sustainable solutions to help alleviate poverty and hunger.
3. Discuss Food Security in USA. Video Clip – Coping with Life in a Food Desert
Wednesday March 11th
1. World Hunger - So what can we do about it?
2. Introduce Fair Trade and how we can help at the Consumer level.
Video (by Great Big Story) 13 Minutes: Why Fair Trade is So Important
(11 min 42 seconds) The Story of Chocolate - Unwrapping the Bar
Thursday March 12th
1. Journey 2050 Activity Day 1 Teacher Code: BYDK
Description: Journey 2050 takes students on a virtual farm simulation that explores world food sustainability. Using an inquiry based approach the program encourages students to make decisions and adjust them as they see their impact on society, the environment and the economy at a local and global scale .
1. Task #1 View Video #1 (3:50) Journey 2050 Introduction and Video #2 (5 min) Plant Health
2. Task #2 Complete Level 1 (Demo) & Level 2 of the simulation.
Answer the questions found in the 'Journey 2050 Reflection sheet' as you finish each Level.
What is the 'Ripple effect'? Video clip (2 minutes)
Friday March 13th LAST DAY OF MP3
1. Journey 2020 Activity - Day 2 * Turn in your worksheet once you finish it*
Task #1 View Video #3 (5 min) Water and Video #4 (4 min 47 sec) Economies
Task #2 Complete Levels 3 & 4 and turn in Journey 2050 Reflection sheet. TURN IT IN.
Task #3 Move on to Level 5a, 5b and 6. Watch these video's before trying each level.
Video # 5 Land Use
Video #6 Where in the World
Finish everything with time to spare? Try the Journey a second time and see if you can improve your scores!
The Future of Farming: https://www.facebook.com/NowThisNews/videos/1384836634939790/
Biotech Resources
Want to learn more about the future of Ag? Career spotlight: Agricultural Engineer
Want to learn more about biotechnology and farming?
Video Clip about Memphis Meats; an alternative meat company out of San Francisco Lab Created Meats video clip
Another video explaining CRISPR-Cas for those wanting to know more: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MnYppmstxIs
Want to learn more about Genetics & GMO's?
Want to learn more about gene editing and lab grown meats?
Why Gene Editing is the next food revolution * Follow Link for article
How is gene editing revolutionizing agriculture? * Follow Link for article
Want to learn more about robots used in agriculture?
USA Today GMO's Safe to Eat video clip
Modern Agriculture can save the gorillas of virunga
TED Ed Biotechnology Video clip http://ed.ted.com/on/JzTO6XNc
GMO in the News Jan 2017 (Washington Post)
Biotech- How Mendel's peas plants helped us understand genetics
Video Clip- Welcome to Salinas! The farming town where robots reign
Animal Science Resources
(10 min) Top 10 Domesticated Animals & their Origins
https://poultrykeeper.com/ https://www.mypetchicken.com/default.aspx
Click HERE for Dairy Cattle Breeds
Britannica.com - Livestock Descriptions
Horticulture Resources
Nat Geo- This is the World's Most Expensive Spice ( 3 min)
Clip- Crazy Tree Grows 40 Kinds of Fruit (4 min)
History through the eyes of the potato
Natural Pest Control - Predatory Insects (Ted Ed)
The Hidden Beauty of Pollination (Ted Ed Clip)
Growing Roots - This Farmer is Growing Roots on your Rooftop 23 min