How to open e-units
Click on the white musical note in the lower right hand corner to enable sound
How to download an assignment from mycaert
Once you've hit play, click on the white music note in the lower right hand corner to enable the sound for this video.
How to upload (turn in) assignments via mycaert
Once you've hit play, click on the white music note in the lower right hand corner to enable the sound for this video.
How to UPLOAD (turn in) a multi-page assignment that you completed by hand
If your assignment has two or more pages (ex. front and back), you will need to take a picture of both sides of the assignment, and then put the pictures of each of the pages into a word document.
To do this, you will have to:
Copy the picture of ‘Page 1’ of the completed assignment (right click on the picture & select ‘copy’)
Paste it into a new word document.
Repeat the first step for the picture of ‘Page 2’.
Paste the second picture into word doc below the picture of ‘Page 1’.
Name the document (Example: Defining Ag e-unit worksheet)
Save it to your computer
Upload it to mycaert.