8th Grade Agriculture Science (MP4)
Work from March 16 - April 3 will be entered into Tigerview with a weight of 0. The work will not be "counted against" any student who failed to complete it. Scores on Tigerview for that interval are for informative purposes to help parents more easily measure their child's current level of independence regarding work completion and school engagement.
Week 1
Monday March 16th
1. Attendance & Seating Chart
2. Go over course guide and e-learning resources (mycaert.com & class website)
3. Practice logging on to http://mycaert.com and uploading assignments.
Complete the 'Course Guide Scavenger Hunt' and UPLOAD it to mycaert.com
4. Register as an Illinois Ag student at www.ilaged.org/StudentRoster
Be sure to follow the directions on the Student Directions- Registration (ilaged.org) document (there is an e-copy to the right)
Share Course guide and e-learning tools info sheet with parents
Set up Ag Binder (3-ring binder)
You should have 4 dividers labeled Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 and Unit 4.
All papers you will complete this week should be in the rings of your binder in the Unit 1 section with the exception of the Course Guide, which should be in the very front of the binder.
Tuesday March 17th - No School
Wednesday March 18th
1. FFA What's in it for Me? assignment
Use the National FFA Official Manual to complete this assignment. (Click the underlined title above to access it)
Please print out a completed copy for yourself and place it in the Unit 1 section of you Ag Binder.
UPLOAD your completed assignment to mycaert.com
Note: Some of the questions from this assignment will be on your Unit 1 quiz. This assignment will serve as your notes for this FFA lesson.
Tip for completing this assignment
Use the 'CTRL F function' to quickly search the document for the information you are looking for.
Thursday March 19th
1. The Future of Farming & Agriculture (12 min)
View video and write down 5 things that: surprised you /interested you/ shocked you/ seemed important to you while viewing.
Access the 'Ag Biotech Video assignment' above and type the notes you took while viewing into the document (Video #1).
Save your assignment to your computer or flash drive. (It will be uploaded /turned in Thursday March 26th after you watch the remaining videos)
Friday March 20th
1. Read Agricultural Applications of Biotechnology e-unit (mycaert.com) & complete the worksheet below.
UPLOAD assignment to mycaert.com when complete.
Please print out a completed copy for yourself as well and place it in the Unit 1 section of your Ag Binder.
Week 2
Monday March 23rd
1. View Biotech Clip - What is a GMO? Clip
After viewing, record your thoughts regarding genetic modification and GMO's. Be sure to include a minimum of 3 complete sentences please.
Access the 'Ag Biotech Video assignment' from your computer or flash drive.
Type your response into the Biotech Video Notes assignment (Video #2) and save it to your computer or flash drive.
2. Notes- Biotechnology & Agriculture
Use ppt to complete student note-sheet. Put completed note-sheet in the rings of your Ag Binder (Unit 1 section).
Tuesday March 24th
1. Video (9 min 17 sec) Gene-Edited Calf Could Transform Brazilian Beef Industry
View video and write down 5 things that surprised you /interested you/ shocked you/ seemed important to you while viewing.
Access the 'Ag Biotech Video assignment' from last week (saved to your computer or flash-drive) and type the notes you took today while viewing into the document (Video #3).
Save your assignment to your computer or flash-drive.
Wednesday March 25th
1. Genetically Modified Organisms in Ag assignment
UPLOAD assignment when complete.
Links to help you with Part 1: Super Banana Arctic Apples Rainbow Papaya Round up Ready Soybeans Bt Cotton Spider Goat Enviropig Aqua Advantage Salmon
Links to help you with Part II: LINK to info on Hornless Holstein LINK to info on PRRS Resistant Pigs
Thursday March 26th
1. Video #4 The Story of Dolly the Cloned Sheep (13 min)
View video and write down 5 things that surprised you /interested you/ shocked you/ seemed important to you while viewing.
Access the 'Ag Biotech Video assignment' (saved to your computer or flash-drive) and type the notes you took today while viewing into the document (Video #4).
Save your assignment and UPLOAD it via mycaert.com.
Friday March 27th
1. Process Involved in Cloning Animals Simulation Lab Click & Clone activity
UPLOAD assignment to mycaert.com when complete.
Week 3
Monday March 30th
1. Advantages & Disadvantages of Biotechnology assignment.
Cut out the 10 statements.
Read each statement and determine which are advantages of biotech and which are disadvantages.
If you are unfamiliar with any of the terms included in the statement, do an internet search to learn the meaning of the term.
Tape or glue the 5 advantages to the LEFT-HAND side of the ‘Advantages of Biotech’ table.
Tape or glue the 5 disadvantages to the LEFT-HAND side of the ‘Disadvantages of Biotech’ table.
Draw a cartoon or image to reflect each statement in the corresponding right hand box.
Place your completed assignment in your Ag Binder.
Tuesday March 31st
1. Catch up on Ag work if you are not up to date.
The following assignments should be UPLOADED to mycaert as of 3/31
Course Guide Scavenger Hunt
e-unit worksheet- Ag Applications of Biotechnology
Genetically Modified Organisms in Ag
Ag Biotech Video assignment
Process Involved in Cloning Animals Simulation Lab
** Note: Need to check if your assignments have been uploaded correctly? Log in to your mycaert account. Click on MY FILES. Then, click on the folder labeled with your class info. Just below the 'Current assignments' folder, there is a folder titled 'Student files'. If you click on that, you can see which documents you have uploaded.
2. Prepare for your Unit 1 Quiz.
Wednesday April 1st
1. Unit 1 Quiz (mycaert.com)
Thursday April 2nd
1. Unit 1 'Catch-up' day
We are officially done with Unit 1 (The Future of Ag) and will be moving on to Unit 2 (Animal Science) when lessons resume after Spring Break.
If you are behind in completing & UPLOADING any of your Unit 1 work, please try to catch up today and tomorrow.
Just a reminder: You need to take the Unit 1 quiz if you have not done so already.
Retake for Quiz #1 - If you would like to improve your score, you can take it a second time to improve your score.
SPRING BREAK April 4th - 13th
Week 4
Tuesday April 14th (Begin Unit 2 - Animal Science)
1. Read the Taming the Wild Auroch passage and complete the associated outline & timeline worksheet.
Wednesday April 15th
1. Read Classifying Animals e-unit and complete the e-unit worksheet - Classifying Animals.
e-unit can be accessed via the 'view assigned e-unit section of mycaert.
e-unit worksheet will activate mycaert today (my files section)
The e-unit workhseet is also posted here.
2. UPLOAD completed e-unit worksheet to mycaert by Thursday.
Thursday April 16th
1. Notes - Classifying Animals by Use, Breed, Age and Gender
Week 5
Monday April 20th
1. Classifying Animals by Age and Gender Practice worksheet: ‘An Animal by Any Other Name’.
2. Notes – Classifying Animals by Digestive System type
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for Quiz #2 (April 22nd).
Tuesday April 21st
1. Grade your 'Taming the Wild Aurochs' outline/ time-line.
Compare your work against the key and make corrections as necessary.
There will be some questions from this assignment on Quiz #2
Wednesday April 22nd
1. Quiz #2 over Animal Domestication & Classifying Animals.
You will take this quiz at mycaert.com.
You may use any and all of your resources while taking this quiz.
Thursday April 23rd
1. Read the 'Exploring the Livestock Industry' e-unit from mycaert.
The e-unit can be found by clicking on the 'View assigned e-units' icon once you are logged in to mycaert.
2. Complete the e-unit worksheet - Exploring the Livestock Industry.
The e-unit worksheet (word doc form) will activate in mycaert today. It is also posted here in PDF for those of you that need it in that form.
UPLOAD completed assignment to mycaert once complete. Due by Monday April 27th.
Quiz #2 retake opportunity expires at the end of the day on Monday April 27th
Week 6
Monday April 27th
1. Notes – Exploring the Livestock Industry (Beef Cattle)
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
2. Start Exploring Livestock Video assignment: Part I - Cattle
Part 1 - Cattle Video Clips
Tuesday April 28th
1. Notes- Exploring Livestock (Swine)
2. Continue on with Exploring Livestock Video assignment; Part 2 - Swine
IL Pork Producers Video Clip (4:36 sec)
Wednesday April 29th
1. Notes - Exploring Livestock (Sheep)
2. Continue on with Exploring Livestock Video assignment; Part 3- Sheep
Thursday April 30th
1. Catch up day - If you have fallen behind at all this week, today is your day to catch up.
2. Wrap up and TURN IN Exploring Livestock Video assignment
Please double check your Exploring Livestock video assignment to make sure that it is finished and that all of your responses are complete sentences.
UPLOAD to mycaert once complete. (p.s. Don’t forget about Step 5!)
Week 7
Monday May 4th
1. Start your Poultry Video assignment by viewing the Day 1 Video clips and recording 5 facts while viewing.
Day 1 Clips: Harvesting Knowledge - Chicken's & Harvesting Knowledge - Turkey
A copy (word doc form) will also activate in mycaert today.
2. Read the Exploring Poultry & Poultry Products e-unit, then complete the associated e-unit worksheet. DUE FRIDAY.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet that you are to complete after reading the e-unit will activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert. It is also posted here for those of you that need it in PDF form.
UPLOAD your completed e-unit worksheet to mycaert by Friday May 8th.
In you are able to, print a copy for yourself and put it in your Ag binder. This sheet will be useful when you take your next quiz.
Tuesday May 5th
1. Notes #1 (Poultry) Intro to Poultry
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
2. Continue on with your Poultry Video assignment by viewing the Day 2 Video clips & recording 5 facts while viewing.
Day 2 Video clips (4:55) How it’s Made: Egg Packaging & (4:10) Watch how 800 ducks contribute to the Wine Industry
Wednesday May 6th
1. Notes #2-(Poultry) Parts of an egg & embryo development.
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
2. Continue on with your Poultry Video assignment by viewing the Day 3 Video clips & recording 5 facts while viewing.
Day 3 Video clips Chick Development Video , Poultry Clip- Egg Formation (9 min) , & How It's Made - Hatchery Chicks (4:55)
Thursday May 7th
1. Wrap up and turn in your Poultry Video assignment.
Please double check your assignment to make sure that it is finished and that all of your responses are complete sentences.
UPLOAD to mycaert once complete. (p.s. Don’t forget about Step 5!)
2. Pick two of the following video clips to watch. They cover non-traditional animal protein and fiber production.
* You do not have to take notes on these video clips **
Harvest Knowledge - Fish Farming
Musk Oxen and Fur Trade Farm Clip
Arkansas Buffalo Ranching Clip - America's Heartland (5:15)
American Heartland - Emu farm (6 min)
3. Binder/ Quiz #3 Prep
Organize your materials so you’re ready for Quiz #3. It is Monday May 11th. The quiz consists of 20 multiple choice questions, with 10 question from each lesson (Exploring the Livestock Industry & Exploring Poultry) covered.
I recommend highlighting any definitions on your note-sheets so they pop out and will be easier to access should you need to look something up while taking your quiz.
You are allowed to use all of your resources while taking the quiz.
Resources to use for Quiz #3
Exploring the Livestock Industry e-unit worksheet
Notes- Exploring the Livestock Industry (Cattle)
Notes – Exploring the Livestock Industry (Swine)
Notes – Exploring the Livestock Industry (Sheep)
Exploring Poultry & Poultry products
Notes #1 (poultry) – Intro to Poultry
Notes #2 (poultry) – Parts of an egg & embryo development
Week 8
Monday May 11th
1. Quiz #3 (Livestock & Poultry )
The Quiz will activate in mycaert today. You may use any and all of your resources while taking it.
If you are unhappy with your score, you may take it a second time and I will enter the average of the two scores in tierview. The deadline for the retake is Friday May 15th.
Tuesday May 12th
1. View Video Clip - Goat Milk Soap
2. Read Exploring Dairy Animals & Dairy Products e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet (word doc format)that you are to complete after reading the e-unit will activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert. It is also posted here for those of you that need it in PDF form.
UPLOAD it via mycaert when done.
Wednesday May 13th
1. View Video clips: Harvesting Knowledge Clip- Milk & Harvesting Knowledge Clip - Cheese
2. Notes- Intro to Dairy and Dairy Products
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
Thursday May 14th
View America's Heartland - Dairy Special (26 minutes) and complete the associated video assignment while viewing.
Put completed assginment in your binder or save it to the dedicated Ag folder on your computer.
Week 9
Monday May 18th
1. View Dog and Cat Video Clips that illustrates some fun ways we can strenthen the bonds with our pets.
Are Cats As Easy to Train as Dogs? Fame Wins Masters Agility Championship at Westminster
2. Read Exploring Companion Animals e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
The e-unit reading is available in mycaert in the ‘View Assigned e-units’ section.
The e-unit worksheet that you are to complete after reading the e-unit will activate today in the ‘my files’ section of mycaert (word doc format). It is also posted here for those of you that need it in PDF form.
UPLOAD it via mycaert when done.
Tuesday May 19th
1. Notes - Companion Animals Part I (Dogs) Put your completed notes in your binder.
You will need these for your next quiz.
2. Day 1 of 2: America's Heartland (PBS) Season 9 Episode 21 (Animals with Jobs)
Watch the first 13 min 42 seconds and record FIVE facts while viewing.
Wednesday May 20th
1. Notes - Companion Animals Part II (Cats & Rabbits)
Put your completed notes in your binder. You will need these for your next quiz.
2. Day 2 of 2: America's Heartland (PBS) Season 9 Episode 21 (Animals with Jobs)
Watch from the time count 13:42 to the end (26:00) and record facts 6-10 while viewing.
Put completed video assignment in your binder or save to your dedicated Ag folder on your computer.
Thursday May 21
1. Quiz #4 (Dairy & Companion Animals)
The Quiz will activate in mycaert today. You may use any and all of your resources while taking it.
If you are unhappy with your score, you may take it a second time and I will enter the average of the two scores in tierview. The deadline for the retake is Friday May 22nd.
Friday May 22nd Last day that student work will be accepted
It was nice working with each of you this quarter! I hope you have a great summer!
Good Luck at EHS next year! - Mrs. O'Connor