7th Grade Agriculture Science
Week 1
Monday January 6th
1. Attendance & Seating Chart
2.Go over over Course Guide (classroom structure, policies, expectations and FFA)
Bring home your Course Guide and show it to your parent. They should sign the last page of course guide & Safety Contract sheet (both sides). Turn in to me by Friday please.
Tuesday January 7th
1. Register as AgEd student on ilaged.org.
2. mycaert.com orientation
3. Classwork - Read 'Defining Agriculture e-unit' & complete the associated worksheet. TURN IN when you're finished.
Use Google to find the definition of 'by-product' as well as examples of corn, soy, cattle and hog by-products
Finish Defining Ag e-unit worksheet if necessary. Due at the start of class tomorrow.
Wednesday January 8th
1. Food for Thought- What do America's Farmers Grow? Clip
2. Lecture #1 Defining Agriculture & Its Importance
3. Classwork #1 - Read World Trade e-unit and complete e-unit worksheet.
Next, fill in back side of World Trade e-unit with the ppt below then check it in with me for a grade.
Thursday January 9th
1. Notes #2- Plant & Animal Products
2. Ag Words Activity
Set up your 3-ring binder if you have not already.
You should have 4 dividers labeled Unit 1, Unit 2, Unit 3 and Unit 4.
All papers you have been given this week should be in the rings of your binder in the Unit 1 section with the exception of the Course Guide, which should be in the very front of the binder.
Friday January 10th
1. Classwork- Read History of Ag Production e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
2. Start Modern Marvels- Farming Technology
We'll finish this next time.
Week 2
Monday January 13th
1. Notes #4 Production Ag History
2. Organize Binders.
3. Modern Marvels- Farming Technology (Finish it)
Want to learn more about new innovations in ag?
Future Farming Technology clip (8 min)
Quiz #1 is next time. To prepare:
Make sure your binder is organized. You should have all note-sheets and e-unit worksheets completed.
Read over your notes and highlight terms/ definitions; be familiar with all of the 'key terms' listed in the e-units.
Review your e-unit worksheets (Sample tests).
Tuesday January 14th
1. Go over answers to Modern Marvels - Farming Technology.& review e-units
e-unit worksheets.
2. Quiz #1 (Defining Agriculture & History of Ag)
3. Notes- Careers in Agriculture
4. Career Interest Quiz
Wednesday January 15th
1. Go over Career Interest Quiz results if we didn't get to it yesterday.
3. Classwork- Careers in Ag Research Assignment (Day 1)
Want to learn more about Ag Careers? Watch this clip: Growing careers in Agriculture clip
Binder check on Thursday! Make sure your Ag binder is set up & organized according to the binder check guidelines.
Thursday January 16th *BINDER CHECK*
1. Classwork- Careers in Ag Research assignment (Day 2; Turn in for a grade)
2. Classwork- Guided Notes - FFA Basics (check them in with me when finished)
Friday January 17th - SNOW DAY
Week 3
Tuesday January 21st
1. We Are the Future of Agriculture- FFA Clip
2. Complete FFA Guided notes if you didn't get to it yesterday.
3. Start Emblem project.
Glue the half sheet to the backside of your construction paper piece.
Use your notes to complete the matching portion of the half sheet.
Color all parts of the emblem
Wednesday January 22nd
1. Go over how to prepare for tomorrow's quiz.
2. Day 2- FFA Emblem Activity (Check it in with me once you're finished)
3. Unit 1 A-Z Challenge for those that finished early.
Neatly cut out all of the emblem pieces
Words should be cut out into two half moon strips and the letters F, F, A should be cut out separately.
Glue your pieces into their proper spot on to the blank side of your construction paper piece. Use the big emblem in the front of the room as your guide.
Want to learn more about FFA? Video clip- The History of FFA
Thursday January 23rd
1. Quiz #2 (Careers in Ag & FFA)
2. Classwork- Read Parts of Plants e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
3. Sorting Activity: Write the name of the food into the column that identifies the part of the plant the food actually is.
Friday January 24th
1. Notes- Parts of Plants & their Functions.
2. Discuss sorting activity answers.
3. Video- Investigating Plant Structure & Function
Want to learn more about America's favorite stem? History through the eyes of the potato
Want to learn more about the misclassification of common foods? Why are bananas considered berries? video clip
Week 4
Monday January 27th
1. How Stuff Works 'Corn'. (Start it)
2. Read e-unit- Grain Crops. Complete Sample test worksheet & word search. (25 min)
Finish e-unit assignment & Word Search assignment for HW if you didn't turn it in during class.
Tuesday January 28th
1. Notes- Grain Crops I (Corn)
2. How Stuff Works 'Corn'. (Finish it)
Want to learn more about Corn? Popped Secret: The Mysterious Origin of Corn
Wednesday January 29th
1. Notes- Grain Crops Part II (Wheat, Barley & Oats)
2. Start Corn, Wheat, and Soybeans assignment.
Thursday January 30th
1. Go over Tortilla in a Bag (tomorrow's lab) expectations.
2. Breads around the World assignment
3. Continue working on the Corn, Wheat & Soybean assignment from yesterday with any time remaining.
Finish Breads Around the World assignment if you didn't finish it/ turn it in by the end of class.
Want to learn more about bread? Video clip- How It's Made- Bread
Friday January 31st
1. Tortilla in a Bag activity
Finish Lab analysis worksheet if you didn't get it completed during class.
Prepare for Quiz over Plant Parts and Grain Crops (open notes) - it is next time.
Week 5
Monday February 3rd
1. Quiz - Parts of Plants & Grain Crops
2. Read e-unit: Sugar and Oil Crops & complete e-unit worksheet. Check it in with me when completed
3. Work on Corn, Wheat and Soybeans assignment with any time remaining.
Work on Corn, Wheat, Soybeans assignment. Due Wednesday at the start of class.
Tuesday February 4th
1. Notes- Oil Crops (Soybeans)
2. Modern Marvels - Beans (Soy portion only)
3. Bean-i-ficial Math worksheet- Discovering the byproducts of soy
4. Finish Corn, Wheat, Soybeans assignment and turn in.
Wednesday February 5th
1. Notes - Sugar Crops
2. Start Modern Marvels - Sugar
Thursday February 6th
1. Finish Modern Marvels - Sugar
2. Notes- Oil Crops (Peanuts)
3. How its Made- Peanut Butter (4 min)
4. Go over answers Sugar & Oil Crops e-unit worksheet.
What to learn more about Peanuts?
Friday February 7th
1. Sugar Sampling Lab
2. Finish early? Work on the Sugar Crops Crossword Puzzle (Extra Credit). This ppt will help.
Week 6
Monday February 10th
1. Read Fiber Crops e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
2. Modern Marvels - Cotton (Start it)
Tuesday February 11th
1. Notes- Fiber Crops
2. Modern Marvels- Cotton (Finish it)
3. Organize Binders in preparation of Quiz #4
Bring in a white cotton t-shirt by tomorrow! (Tie-Dye Activity)
Additional Resources - Want to learn more about Fiber Crops?
Wednesday February 12th
1. Fiber Crop Activity- Tie-Dye & Cotton
Students will come up to the dying station in groups to tie-dye their shirts.
Students will work on their Unit 2 Study Guide as they are waiting for their turn at the dying station.
Bring in a white cotton t-shirt by tomorrow! (Tie-Dye Activity)
Get ready for Quiz #4. It is Thursday 2/13
Thursday February 13th
1. Quiz #4 (Sugar, Oil & Fiber Crops)
Rinse and admire your tie-dye once you finish your quiz.
2. Read Forests & Forest Products e-unit and complete associated worksheet.
Check it in with me when done.
3. Work on Unit 2 Study Guide with the time remaining.
Make sure you wash and dry your new tie-dye ALONE for the first few times it is washed.
Friday February 14th
1. Notes- Forests & Forest Products
2. Forestry Products Clip How Its Made- Toilet Paper
3. Classwork - Work on Unit 2 Study Guide.
Finish Unit 2 Study Guide. Due at the start of class 2/18
Additional Resources - Want to learn more about Tree products?
People and Trees - http://ecosystems.psu.edu/youth/sftrc/lesson-plan-pdfs/people-trees
From the Forest- Products we get from Trees- http://ecosystems.psu.edu/youth/sftrc/lesson-plan-pdfs/from-the-forest
Week 7
Tuesday February 18th
1. Tree ID Lab
Wednesday February 19th
1. Review for Unit 2 test by going over answers to Unit 2 Study Guide.
2. Video - Seasonal Forests
Study for your Unit 2 test. It is next time!
Thursday February 20th
1. Plant Science Unit Exam
2. Introduce Unit 3- Agribusiness & discuss upcoming lessons.
Agribusiness Packet (100 pts; Classwork Grade)
Create your Own Ag Product (100 pts; Lab Grade)
Agribusiness Quiz (20 points; Quiz Grade)
3. Agribusiness Packet Work Day
Goal: Read Personal Finance & Accounting e-units and complete the accompanying worksheets. See me for a check and a stamp after you finish each of them.
Finish your Accounting e-unit (both sides) if you didn't get it checked in by the end of the hour. Due at the start of class next time.
Friday February 21st
1. Go over answers to Personal Finance & Accounting e-unit worksheets.
2. Introduce Create your Own Ag Product Project
Form groups. Brainstorm to develop your product type, name, trademark and target market.
Start developing your Label
Week 8
Monday February 24th
1. Classwork - read Economics & Marketing e-units and complete associated worksheets.
See me for a check & stamp after you finish each of them.
2. Work on 'Create your own Ag Product'
Finish developing Label
Start transforming base (if you have it) or Work on Step 4 (Coupon) if you don't
Bring in a box for your base if you have not already!
Tuesday February 25th
1. Go over answers to Economics & Marketing e-units. TURN IN PACKET for a grade.
2. Work on 'Create your own Ag Product' project
Wednesday February 26th
1. Work on 'Create your own Ag Product' project
Thursday February 27th
1. Quiz #5 Agribusiness.
You may use your Sample test sheets on the quiz - Personal Finance, Accounting, Economics & Marketing
2. Final Work Day - Wrap up 'Create your own Ag Product'(Due by end of the hour)
Friday February 28th
1. Task #1: Guided Notes - Natural Resources
2. Read Renewable Resources and Soil e-units and complete associated worksheets.
3. Agribusiness Product Gallery Walk & Vote
Week 9
Monday March 2nd
1. Intro to Soil Science - How Dirt Works Clip (5 min) Soil Video Clip II
2. Notes- Soils Part I
3. Classwork - Dig It! Exhibition (Day 1)
Tuesday March 3rd
1. Dig It! Exhibition (Finish it and turn in)
Wednesday March 4th
1. Soil Notes Part II (Soil Conservation)
2. Wrap up and turn in Dig It! if you have not already.
3. Interactive Farming Activity (Start it)
Thursday March 5th
1. Interactive Farming Activity
2. Classwork - Read Wildlife & Water e-units and completed associated worksheets.
Staple your 4 Environmental Science e-unit worksheets together in this order: Renewable Resourcesl Soil, Wildlife, Water. TURN IN for your grade (100 pts)
Friday March 6th
1. How Wolves Change Rivers Clip
2. Wildlife Notes
3. Start National Geographic's - Don't Say Good-bye
Week 10
Monday March 9th
1. Finish Don't Say Good-bye
2. Go over answers to the Wildlife & Water e-units
3. Organize binders for Quiz #6
Tuesday March 10th
1. Edible Soil Profile Lab
Wednesday March 11th
1.Water in Our Environment Video (24 minutes)
2.Water Cycle Activity
Thursday March 12th
1. Quiz #6 Environmental Science
2. Start Movie -
Friday March 13th Last day of MP3
1. Finish movie
General Ag Resources
Food for Thought - What do America's Farmers Grow? Clip
Plant Science
A 750 Year Old Secret: See How Soy Sauce Is Still Made Today
Biofuels and bio-prospecting for beginners (Ted Ed Clip)
Natural Pest Control - Predatory Insects (Ted Ed)
The Hidden Beauty of Pollination (Ted Ed Clip)
oplin.org link (Good to use if you have an actual leaf whose species you're trying to identify)
Environmental Science
How Whales Change Climate clip
Soil Stories video assignment (30 min)
Smithsonian Dig it! The Secrets of Soil website
SOS- Save our Soils video (PBS Food Forward) 26:45 min
Nat Geo - Meet Some of the Worlds Most Endangered Animals
Water Resources - TedEd- What's so Great about the Great Lakes? clip